Engaging the Industry
Stakeholders in freight-related industries will be engaged throughout the development of the Freight Plan. Interviews to collect in-depth information will be conducted and interim reports will be prepared and presented to the County and Freight Advisory Council to keep them apprised of progress and to solicit input at critical stages in the planning process.  

Freight Plan Overview

The Freight Plan will include analysis of current and future freight issues and needs relative to the following (click each tab for additional information):

A key aspect of the Freight Plan will include the development of performance measures which will be used to develop a 1-, 5- and 10-year prioritized investment strategy and freight-oriented workforce development plan. These will form the basis of the Freight Plan to help guide the actions of the County, the Freight Advisory Council and other stakeholders.

This page will be used to provide future information on:

  • Goals and objectives of the Freight Plan along with performance metrics
  • Key data on the Will County freight system and it’s effect on the economy
  • Proposed strategies and projects for improving the Will County freight system


Freight Mobility Project Schedule

Workforce Schedule Graphic