Get Involved

Private Sector Outreach Flyer

To optimize the Freight Plan, input is needed from Will County residents and municipalities, as well as freight industry leaders including operators, fleet managers, dispatchers/logistics firms, manufacturing workforce representatives and commercial and industrial land developers/investors. Below are a number of ways these important constituents can get involved in this project. This page will be updated as outreach activities are developed. 


Private Sector
  • Regional Freight and Workforce Forums - A total of three will be held in early 2017 to ensure the project team and all stakeholders understand the needs, trends, and issues facing freight mobility and workforce needs. If you are a carrier, shipper or related business/association wanting to have your voice heard, click here.

  • Stakeholder Interviews - The project team will meet with a variety of freight-related stakeholders to acquire in-depth information to inform the Freight Plan.
  • TDL Industry Survey - Truck driver engagement includes a survey to capture freight system issues from the driver’s perspective. Maps and instructions will also be developed for drivers to identify operational issues and problems in Will County’s freight system.
  • Industry Meetings - The project team will participate in private sector carrier, industry or other topical association meetings or events as opportunities arise to gather additional stakeholder input.  


General Public
  • An online survey to collect public input was open from April 24 to May 26. Public open houses took place May 16, 17 and 18. Visit this website’s Plan Library to review open house exhibits. 

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