Will County and the Will County Center for Economic Development are seeking public input related to the development of the Will County Community Friendly Freight Mobility Plan. The Freight Plan is envisioned as a multimodal freight plan that will provide strategies and goals to guide freight policies, programs, projects and investments throughout Will County in a community-friendly manner. The Freight Plan will encompass a holistic planning approach covering freight mobility, land-use integration, workforce development, education/training and community livability.
County residents and those who work in and visit Will County and its municipalities are invited to learn about the development of the Freight Plan and provide their input related to freight and workforce programs, policies and projects through a series of public open houses and an online survey.
“There has been an unprecedented growth of freight transportation, distribution and logistics in Will County over the past 10 years,” said Will County Executive Larry Walsh. “As a county, we need a robust plan to understand what this industry means to our residents and our economy while also planning for projected future growth to be sure improvements are compatible for our local communities. A Freight Plan, formed with input from the community, will help improve overall quality of life for Will County residents and increase economic opportunity. I encourage all Will County residents to join their neighbors and colleagues to attend an open house or take the public survey and have their voices heard.”
“The freight plan will ensure that Will County has an efficient and robust transportation system for the years to come,” said Board Speaker Jim Moustis (R-Frankfort). “I strongly encourage our residents and members of the freight industry to attend an open house so that we can implement a plan that best reflects the needs of Will County residents.”
The open houses will include information and exhibits about the plan, including key freight data and facts, and what the future of freight could look like in Will County. Project representatives will be available to answer questions and opportunities for input will be provided. The open houses will occur in the evening on May 16th, 17th and 18th at three locations (see below for details). The same information will be presented at all three open houses. People may attend any time between 5:00 – 7:30 P.M.
Details on the public open houses are as follows:
May 16th, 5:00-7:30 P.M.
William E Dugan Training Center
19800 W. South Arsenal Road
Wilmington, IL 60481
May 17th, 5:00-7:30 P.M.
Plainfield Village Hall Community Room
24401 W. Lockport Street
Plainfield, IL 60544
May 18th, 5:00-7:30 P.M.
New Lenox Village Hall
One Veterans Parkway
New Lenox, IL 60451
Those unable to attend one of the public open houses are encouraged to contribute their input and freight priorities through an online survey. The eleven-question survey is brief and should take only 5-7 minutes. The survey can be found online by visiting www.tiny.cc/WCFreightPlan.
For more information on the Will County Community Friendly Freight Mobility Plan, visit the project website: www.willcountyfreight.org.